Moving Forward

Sometimes change makes space for new possibilities and growth. We are grateful for the South Georgia Conference leadership and work being done to find new ways and expressions of faith communities in places where there is no longer a United Methodist presence. Below is some guidance from the website.

Moving Forward in Mission

The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  This is our mandate regardless of what circumstances come our way and pull us off track.   We recognize during the recent months there have been difficult situations in our local churches due to disaffiliations and this has been a very painful time that has caused hurt to many.  If this is something you are dealing with, you are not alone.  We want to help you continue to move on in mission in whatever capacity God is calling you.  If you find yourself lost and displaced by the disaffiliation of your church, below are some resources that will help you stay on track as we continue to move and press into the UMC’s mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  

Where do I go now? 

We have found that people are affected by disaffiliation in many different ways.  Some need a period of time to grieve the loss of community and their “spiritual home.”  Others may be excited by this opportunity to do something new and may feel God calling them to take on the leadership to be part of something new.  Still others might want to transition into an existing UMC church in their area.  

If you’d like to find pastoral care for healing and processing emotions due to disaffiliation, e-mail Anne Bosarge at  We will set you up with a pastor near you who can help you walk through what you are feeling and take the next steps.  

If you’d like to start something new, e-mail Anne Bosarge at and let her know!  We are doing a variety of leadership trainings in 2023 and we would like to help you take your next step toward starting a fresh expression or a home church in conjunction with an already established congregation that can support you and resource you along the way.  

If you are looking for an existing church near you and don’t know where the closest UMC is, click here to see a listing of all our churches in South Georgia:

What is a Fresh expression of church? 

A Fresh Expression of church is a new way of doing church that happens outside the church, primarily for people who would never go to an established church.  You can find out more about Fresh Expressions here: .  If you’re interested in learning more or joining us for a training about Fresh Expressions in SGA, e-mail Anne Bosarge at

How do I know if I’m called to start a Fresh Expression?

Fresh Expressions are most successful when led by people who already have existing relationships within a community of unchurched people.  They often have already done the work of building relational credibility with people who are open to getting involved in an entry-level faith-based community.  If you have the desire to win people to Jesus, the passion to start something new, and the willingness to learn, you might be just what we need in SGA!  If you’re wondering if you have what it takes, read more about Fresh Expression Pioneers here:

What if there are a group of us who want to stay together? 

We want to help you be tethered to an established church for support and pastoral care as needed while equipping you to lead a home church right where you are.  Contact your District Superintendent and let him/her know about your desire to continue meeting.  They can help you set up an online giving platform as well as let you know of other resources available to you within your district.  

Coastal District: Rev. David Thompson-

North East District: Rev. Stephen Grantham-

North Central District: Rev. Craig Hutto-

North West District: Rev. Steve Patton-

South West District: Rev. Doreen Smalls-

South Central District: Rev. Paula Lewis-

I don’t have a big house.  How can I have a home church? 

Having church in a home is much different than going to an established church building for worship.  Don’t try to replicate everything you were doing in your last church experience!  It will not be the same.  The programming and ministry from your last church isn’t going to fit this new smaller expression of church.  

Once we schedule a meeting in our home, what do we do? 

There are many ways for you to lead a home church!  Talk to your group and ask them what is specifically important to their worship and create your own order of worship and how you will worship together.  Below are two suggestions for how to structure your time together.   

  1. Follow the lectionary- You don’t need to study every passage in the lectionary, just pick a passage or two to focus on.  Consider this flow to your service: 

    1. Opening prayer

    2. Lord’s Prayer

    3. Old Testament Reading

    4. Prayer Requests

    5. New Testament Reading

    6. What does God want you to know about Him? What does God reveal about you? 

    7. Closing prayer – ask for prayer requests from one or two different people each week

  1. Church Online- Your group can join online with an existent congregation’s online worship.  Several churches in SGA are ready to engage and support your home church.  Watch the service together and talk about what it means to you in your home church.  More churches coming soon! 

Trinity United Methodist Church, Savannah, GA

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Ben Gosden

Encounter Church, Rincon GA

Pastor: Damon Hubert

Possible format for your meeting: 

  1. Eat and chat

  2. Opening prayer

  3. Watch Service video

  4. Debrief take-aways from the sermon (can speak to kids about what they can take away from the sermon at this time too)

  5. Prayer requests

  6. Closing prayer 

Have other questions that aren’t answered here?  E-mail Anne Bosarge at


A New Season


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